Gifted Ed Resources
NM Public Education Department and Albuquerque Public Schools Resources
APS Gifted Handbook (Fall 2008, PDF download)
NM PED Gifted Education in NM Technical Assistance Manual (2019 update, PDF download)
NM PED Gifted Education in NM Technical Assistance Manual (2011 update, PDF download)
NM PED Developing Quality IEPs Technical Assistance Manual (2011, PDF download)
NM PED Gifted Education in NM Technical Assistance Manual (2000, PDF download)
​External Organizations
Sites and Readings about Giftedness
2018 AAGTS Conference
2017 AAGTS Conference
2015 AAGTS Conference
Robin Ingram Resources
The following files are from the Feb. 24th 2022 Seminar on 504 and IEP guidelines and lots of great information and links to a variety of resources.
Educational and Summer Programs
The following programs support education, offering summer programs and above-grade-level testing such as PSAT 8/9, PSAT, ACT, SAT.
Talent Search Programs
TRIO talent search: Identifies and assists individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who have potential to succeed in higher education. Provides academic and career support, and financial aid.
CBK – Center for Bright Kids: Supports the academic, social and emotional growth of bright youth
Academic and Math Camps (with Prerequisites or Competitive)
Albuquerque Academy Multicultural Summer Honors Program--rising 4th or 5th graders, tuition scholarship
Epsilon Camp- ages 7-11
Campersand Co - ages 9-12, others by special consideration
MathPath- ages 11-14
AwesomeMath - high school and very advanced middle school level
Camp Cardiac - ages 15-18, scholarships available
Math Curriculum and Teaching Websites
Funding Sources
Funding sources for gifted education
Jacob Javits Grant​: Federal grant supporting “evidence based efforts to identify gifted and talented students and meet their educational needs."
Funding for individual students
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation sponsors 3 different scholarships:
The Young Scholars Program : up to 50 young scholars with financial need, currently in 7th grade, are selected for individualized academic and financial support for school, summer programs, internships and other enrichment opportunities.
The College Scholarship Program: 40 need-based scholarships will be selected for funding up to 4 years of undergraduate studies for high achieving high school seniors.
The Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship: makes it possible for up to 45 top community college students to complete their bachelor’s degrees by transferring to a selective 4-year college.
The NAGC sponsors the Nicholas Green Distinguished Student Awards program: an award of $500 may be made in each state for a recipient in grade 3-6 at the time of nomination, for outstanding student accomplishment in one or more areas: academic, visual/performing arts, or leadership. The information on the award:
The Caroline Bradley Scholarship: a merit-based, four year high school scholarship. Applications due in 7th grade.
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